Broken Toe Acro is a full instructional-encyclopedia for Paragliding SIV and Acro maneuvers. Each chapter is approximately 6-14 minutes and contains descriptions of the maneuver, explanation on how to (and how not to!) perform it, as well as in-flight examples from many simultaneous camera angles. All instruction and narration is by Enleau and Ann O'Connor, leading experts in Safety-in-Flight training.
SIV Maneuvers
 - Full Frontal Deflations
 - Asymmetric Deflations
 - B-Lines and Descent Techniques
 - Pitch Oscillations
 - Riser Twists
 - Full Stalls
Acro Maneuvers
 - Round Spirals
 - Asymmetric Spirals
 - Wingovers
 - Reversals
 - The Sat
 - Spins & Helicopters
Special Features
 - Welcome to O’Connor Flight School
 - On Tow
 - Credits & Outtakes
 - Master’s Tips
     Ground Spirals
     Spin Variations ...and More!
2 hours and 40 minutes running time!
All region DVD
English only (multi-language coming soon!)